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Next Alpha Weekend – 15th July to 17th July 2022

Greetings @everyone!

We have fixed the date for the next alpha testing weekend: 15th July to 17th July 2022. The tests focus on PvP, armor levels, weapon/spell damage, and general balancing. We are currently modifying our achievement system to support testing. Contestants can earn “Tester Points” by completing achievements such as “Wins x duels with a Mage template.” All “Tester Points” will be tracked and aggregated for all upcoming test weekends. After launch, there will be a special vendor where you can buy rewards with your earned points accumulated during the alpha and beta phases. With this system, we steer testing efforts in the directions that we believe will be most beneficial to development. Nevertheless, you can also try our other systems. Dungeons and PvM content will remain closed. There will be a separate test phase for these topics in the near future. If you would like to participate, please contact @DRC1K. He is responsible for the management of the tester crew. More details will follow in the Alpha Testers Discord Channels

UOSAGAS Discord: https://discord.gg/YWxNRTXykZ

Let’s do this! The UO SAGAS satff

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