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Sagas News

Town Preview: Coldstone

We are very The community hast voted for the name of our northern town: Welcome to Coldstone. Join our discord and stay tuned for upcoming votes.:https://discord.com/invite/YWxNRTXykZ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkYHj_75gYk ...

1st UOSAGAS Townvote!

We are very happy to announce the winner of our first UOSAGAS Town Vote. Congratulations @iPK you have won the "First Citizen of Coldstone" robe!Thank you for participating. Stay tuned for further votings and join our discord: https://discord.gg/YWxNRTXykZ ...

Server is up.

The server is up and running to double check our latest PVP fixes. You can also find a very early version of our EVO-pet system at the moongates. Feel free to join. Don't expect a fluent gameplay experience tho. We are still in early alpha.Have...