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Author: admin


Hello UO SAGAS Community! We grew to 300 Discord members. This is so awesome! So its about time to give @everyone an update and provide a few details about our game mechanics: We implemented a luck system based on (full lootable jewelry) you can wear. Those...

Devblog #1

We like to share another development status with you. Its been a while since we provided some information about our progress. The community is growing! That's awesome! And thank you to all of you to be part of this project. But let's get to the...

The city of Volaria.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BD62SJ4gdlI The community has voted for the name of our first faction town: Welcome to Volaria! Crossed by large mountains, guarded by the rough sea and the virtuous Volarian town guards, it offers a save environment for it’s wealthy citizens and most skilled crafters. Join our discord and...